Privacy Notice

My Laundry ("we," "us," "our") provides professional laundry, ironing, shoe cleaning, and water delivery services ("Services") for the customers.

This document ("Privacy Notice") serves to provide information on the collection, use, disclosure, management, and handling of Personal Data by My Laundry, a Sole Proprietorship under Sharunthal Vorakarnpreechavuth, registered on 9 March 2022 through Commercial Registration at Pom Prab Sattru Phai District, operating with the Commercial name of “My Laundry” and registration number 1100800732810, and having its registered address at 128/71 Soi Maensri, Khlong Maha Nak, Pomprab Sattru Phai, Bangkok, 10100. My Laundry collects, uses, discloses, manages, and handles Personal Data subject to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 ("PDPA"). By accessing our website, using any services provided by My Laundry, submitting any information to us, or otherwise showing your agreement thereon, you will be deemed to have agreed and consented to the terms of this Privacy Notice. When accessing our website, you can click on a link to access the details of our privacy notice and you will be requested to provide your consent by clicking on a button.

My Laundry reserves the right to amend, alter, change, or modify this Privacy Notice at any time without prior notice. Any amendments, alterations, changes, or modifications to this Privacy Notice will be posted on our website from time to time. Subject to your rights under Thai law, you agree or shall be deemed to agree to be bound by any such amendments, alterations, changes, or modifications to the Privacy Notice by continuing to access our website, using our application, or availing yourself of any services provided by My Laundry, submitting information to us, or otherwise showing your agreement thereon.

I. Contact Information

1. Data Controller

My Laundry
128/71 Soi Maensri, Khlong Maha Nak, Pomprab Sattru Phai, Bangkok, 10100
Tel: +66 (0) 92-516-5458

2. Contact us

If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions in relation to data protection or this Privacy Notice or any other concerns about the way in which we process information about you, please contact:

contact@mylaundrythai.comSubject: “Data Protection,” or

My Laundry – Data Protection, 128/71 Soi Maensri, Khlong Maha Nak, Pom Prab Sattru Phai, Bangkok, 10100, Thailand

II. General information on data processing

1. Scope, purpose, and legal basis of Personal Data processing

Generally, we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Data only as it is necessary to provide a functioning website, to offer our services to you, and to provide you with information about us. For example, we need to know your name, address and similar information to provide our delivery and pick-up services. Furthermore, in order to operate this application and create a user-friendly service, we need to record your log-in and device data. To enhance the user experience, we also use tracking data such as cookies and similar technologies, so that the application can record prior orders and activities. Note that we only use Personal Data for these purposes. In this respect, the following Personal Data may be stored:

Basic Personal Data and contact data,such as first and last name, Email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data;

User content,such as communications and files provided by you in relation to your use of the Services.

Log data and device data,such as IP address and cookies;

Tracking data,cookies, and similar technologies.

One-Time-Password (OTP)

When you make a payment through any of the My Laundry channels, your payment data, such as payment card number (credit or debit card), and the security code associated with your payment instrument, may be stored by our payment gateway provider (

We process Personal Data about you for lawful reasons only; that means we process Personal Data only when it is:

necessary for the performance of an agreement:where we have an agreement with you, including the terms and conditions of our Services, we will process your personal information in order to fulfill that agreement and/or terms and conditions (i.e., to provide you with Services);

where you give us your consent:we ask for your consent in relation to the use of personal information only where we need it in order to provide our Services; in such cases, we will collect such personal information separately and make it clear that we are asking for consent;

for compliance with a legal obligation:(e.g., to respond to a court order or a regulator).

Note that you can withdraw or limit your consent at any time. By your doing so, however, we will not be able to provide the Services of My Laundry anymore. In such a case, we reserve the right to close your account in accordance with our terms and conditions. You will be notified accordingly.

2. Your rights

We would like to make sure that you are fully aware of all of data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following rights:

The right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw the consent given to My Laundry for the collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data at any time unless there is a restriction of the withdrawal of consent by law or in the contract which gives benefits to you. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data to which you have already given legally consent. As mentioned above, withdrawing your consent will require us to discontinue the services provided to you by My Laundry. You will be notified accordingly.

The right to access: You have the right to access your Personal Data which is under the responsibility of My Laundry and request that My Laundry provide copies of such data, or request that My Laundry disclose any information which is obtained without consent.

The right to know which Personal Data is collected and how it is used: You have the right to receive information on your Personal Data as a customer of My Laundry. The requested Personal Data will be in a format which is readable or commonly used (in accordance with your right to data portability and right to be informed of Personal Data).

The right to object to collection: You have the right to object to the collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data at any time, as it is collected, used or disclosed for the purposes of direct marketing, research, or statistics, except where it is necessary for the operation of the Services.

The right to erase, destroy, or anonymize Personal Data: Under certain conditions, you have the right to request that My Laundry erase or destroy your Personal Data or anonymize your Personal Data so that it cannot identify you. The aforementioned conditions are for example when My Laundry no longer has a need to retain your data in relation to the purpose of collection or if you have withdrawn your consent or if you have objected against the collection or use of your Personal Data and we did not reject the objection, or your Personal Data has been unlawfully disclosed.

Right to restrict the use: You have the right to request that My Laundry restrict the use of your Personal Data under certain conditions. The aforementioned conditions are, for example, when you could request the erasure or destruction of your Personal Data or when the lawful purpose of collection is no longer relevant but My Laundry needs to retain the data for compliance with or to defend legal claims, or pending an examination of Personal Data requested by you or pending an objection request.

Right to rectification: You have the right to request that My Laundry correct and change any information to make it complete, accurate, not misleading, and up to date, as well as the right to request that My Laundry complete any information you believe is incomplete. If My Laundry does not take action regarding your request, My Laundry shall record such a claim along with our reason.

The right to complain: You have the right to file a complaint if My Laundry, including our employees or service providers, violates or does not comply with the PDPA or notifications issued in accordance with the PDPA.

In case you make a request, we will respond to you within thirty (30) days. Our contact details are shown in Clause I of this Privacy Notice.

In case you withdraw your consent to any or all use of your Personal Data, depending on the nature of your request, My Laundry may not be able to continue to provide its Services to you.

3. Providing your Personal Data to others

My Laundry will take appropriate and commercially reasonable technical, physical, and administrative measures to protect any Personal Data it possesses or controls from misuse or accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition, or access in accordance with the PDPA. Subject to the provisions of any applicable law, your Personal Data may be disclosed, for the purposes listed above (where applicable), to the following:

agents, contractors, business partners, or third-party service providers who provide services to My Laundry.

our professional advisers such as auditors and lawyers.

relevant government regulators, statutory boards or authorities, or law enforcement agencies to comply with any laws, rules, guidelines and regulations or schemes imposed by any governmental authority; and

any other party to whom you specifically authorize us to disclose your Personal Data.

You consent and agree to My Laundry transferring your Personal Data outside of Thailand for any of the purposes listed above. My Laundry will ensure that the destination country has appropriate and sufficient safeguards and confirm with a third party who has the right to access such data that it will be protected under the standards of Personal Data protection comparable to the law of Thailand or comply with the relevant rules and regulations for the protection of Personal Data.

My Laundry will not disclose or transfer your Personal Data to any third party, within or outside the Kingdom of Thailand, unless it is necessary to do so in order to maintain or provide Services to you, or to comply with the law or an order of the government. In the case that failing to do so would violate the law, My Laundry shall first send the legal notice to you. For more details on this, you may refer to our server provider: this regard, we would like to inform you that your Personal Data will be stored on cloud solutions provided by our service provider. This means that your Personal Data is not stored physically on a hard-drive at our offices in Thailand. Our service provider operates servers all over the world and will store your Personal Data depending on the requirements and capacity of the servers at different locations, which may be outside of Thailand.

We will use your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Notice and your consent to such usage. We will ensure that there is an appropriate measure of protection in case of the collection and usage as well as the transfer of data (If any) to be in compliance with the relevant laws.

4. When is it mandatory to provide data to us?

It is necessary to provide us with your Personal Data in order for us to provide you with our Services that you request. Otherwise, we will not be able to deliver our full Services to you without the data.

5. Data retention

In general, we will retain our users’ Personal Data as long as it is required for the respective purpose of processing the data and complying with applicable law and any applicable recordkeeping provisions for approximately ten (10) years. Our users’ Personal Data may also be contained in backup files, which we keep for information security purposes and which we regularly delete when the backup period is over.

Where we process your Personal Data for marketing purposes with your consent, we shall process the data until you request us to stop. The request shall be complied with by My Laundry within thirty (30) days and shall be kept as a record that you will no longer be allowing us to process your data.

III. How we use your Personal Data

1. Provision of the website (

Each time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the calling computer. The following data are collected:

Browser type information and version used;

The operating system of the user;

Internet service provider of the user;

IP address;

Date and time of access;

Websites from which the user accesses the website;

Content that is accessed by the user.

The temporary storage of the IP address is necessary to deliver the website to the computer of the user. The user’s IP address must be kept for the duration of the session. The collection of the data for the provision of the website is mandatory for the operation of the website. The user is not entitled to revocation.

2. Cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit it and which is then read when you revisit the site. We may use cookies to verify your account, improve your experience of a website, and provide our Services efficiently. You can control the use of cookies and choose to disable or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing your browser settings. Disabling cookies may result in a limited experience of our functionality and Services and, in some cases, may mean that we are fully or partially unable to provide you with the Services.

3. Google products

My Laundry uses Google products including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager (Google Tag Manager Terms of Service - Tag Manager Help), and Google Search Console (Google Terms of Service – Privacy & Terms – Google). Google’s privacy policies can be found here:

More information about how My Laundry uses Google Analytics can be found

To provide website visitors with more choices on how Google Analytics collects their data, Google has developed the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or other web analytics services. Learn more about the Google Analytics Brower Opt-out extra.

4. Social media and messengers

My Laundry uses social media and messenger applications to enhance our service provision. In particular, we have a Facebook page, Instagram account, Twitter account, YouTube channel, TikTok account, Pinterest account, Telegram account, Line account, WhatsApp account, and WeChat account.

Our Facebook page is administered by Facebook, in accordance with Facebook's Data Policy (available here), and is accessible by Facebook users who have already consented to Facebook's Data Policy.

Our Instagram account is administered by Instagram, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Twitter account is administered by Twitter, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our YouTube channel is administered by YouTube, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our TikTok account is administered by TikTok, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Pinterest account is administered by Pinterest, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Telegram account is administered by Telegram, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Line account is administered by Line, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Whatsapp account is administered by Whatsapp, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our WeChat account is administered by WeChat, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Viber account is administered by Viber Signal, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our Signal account is administered by Signal, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

Our KakaoTalk account is administered by KakaoTalk, in accordance with their privacy policy (available here)

We use direct messaging over social media and other messenger applications to communicate with our customers.

IV. Security Measures

My Laundry considers the importance of data security as one of our priorities. We have issued measures to provide and maintain appropriate security and protection for the Personal Data which is collected by My Laundry and stored in My Laundry’s data storage as prescribed by law.

Any Personal Data we receive or obtain from you as in Clause II will be in compliance with this Privacy Notice and the PDPA.

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